Be a Billboard Backer

Help us meet our goal!
Your donations ensure our Billboard on HWY 7 remains in place for the remainder of 2023. Our billboard is seen by 1000’s, 24x7, 365 days of the week and sends a strong message that Democrats are local and are serious about saving democracy. We are also asking for donations with the hope we can update our billboard message pertinent to the 2024 election year and have a fresh, eye-catching, and thought provoking message.
Our campaign goal of $2000.00 will be a huge step towards achieving our goals and is only possible with your help. Every donation makes a difference and remember, giving is the best form of action.
For a one time donation please click the Donate Now button below.
If you would like to make a recurring monthly donation, you may do so HERE
You can also mail a check to P.O BOX 8693 HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE AR 71910.